Oct 23, 2015 | Design Benefits, Powerlouvre System
One of the aspects about our business of which we are particularly proud is that we custom-make every Breezway Altair Louvre Window order. This allows us to offer an endless variety of adjustable louvre window customising choices to meet the varying needs of our...
Sep 27, 2013 | Design Benefits, Energy Efficiency
Years ago I attended a week long training course in the conference centre of a large hotel right on the beachfront. The food was pretty good but the conference room felt a bit like a dungeon! There were no windows at all and one of the presenters had this cruel theory...
Aug 23, 2013 | Design Benefits, Energy Efficiency, Powerlouvre System
It’s a beautiful winter’s day in Brisbane (Australia) today: blue skies, 23C with a breeze blowing from the west. Unlike most other office workers around the city today, I can actually feel the breeze. It’s not because I’m working outside though, it’s because the air...
Aug 9, 2013 | Design Benefits, Energy Efficiency
“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”- H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) The energy efficiency of a building is influenced by many different design aspects. Orientation, insulation, ventilation, shading, sealing and building size are...