Seasoned investors know that the secret to success is to maintain and upgrade a property with the best products on the market in this case- Breezway Louvres..
Giving renters and potential buyers a taste of a premium space by carefully selecting high-impact areas for improvement will attract motivated applicants that will help look after your property. And as an investor, that is undoubtedly what you want!
High impact areas include the windows of your property; that’s where we step in to help. Breezway, a recognised leading manufacturer of louvre windows, is a cornerstone resource for real-estate investors who want to ensure that their properties are top notch with high performance, energy efficient windows.
Not only do the right windows lift the exterior appearance of your home, they also drastically impact the experience inside too. Beyond the aesthetics, window choice will be a major determining factor for the temperature and energy efficiency of your property.

The Breezway Difference
Our Breezway Louvres allow two to three times the air flow of standard windows, which means pure, fresh air circulates through the indoor environment, filtering out allergens, pollutants and built-up moisture to create a remarkably refreshing and healthy-living atmosphere. It’s the air Mother Nature intended you to breathe. The windows allow clean air, sunlight and uninterrupted views to filter into your rental property, making it an attractive prospect for tenants.
Breezway also offers the Stronghold System for windows that require safeguarding against a fall of one metre or more or those needing extra strength and safety. Altair Louvres with the Stronghold System provide ventilation and safety to occupants, even when restricted. The Stronghold System mechanically retains blades and is ideal for window replacements in second storey buildings or high level apartments where window openings and cross ventilation can be limited.
Other benefits of using Breezway Louvres in your property include:
- Maximising airflow in comparison to other window types.
- Easy to operate and clean from inside the building.
- Modern, patented design seals tight to reduce noise and provides protection from the elements.
- Variety of sizes and blade options for privacy or shading.
- Can be screened from the inside if required.
- Can be customised to match existing décors for window replacements.
- Also ideal for enclosing balconies for additional safety and extra year round living space.

Save Money
Breezway Altair Louvre Windows are a great alternative to installing air-conditioning. Despite the latter being a great selling point for renters, consider not only the initial expense involved in installation, but also the on-going maintenance. Installing air-conditioning comes with the risk of an unexpected bill for maintenance or replacement.
Energy Efficiency with Superior Design
When installed in the right areas of a home, Breezway Louvre Windows can be magnificently energy efficient, sealing in warmth in the winter and substituting for air conditioning in the summer. The advanced construction and design locks in heat, and the large openings allow fresh breezes to control the indoor temperatures. This means that property owners and renters can save big on energy costs.
Browse our collection of Louvre Window Design Ideas or Project Profiles for consideration in your building design.