We are delighted to provide you with this update below on the latest Altair® Louvre product improvements from Breezway.
Changes to Product Offer
New Addition
Commencing 23rd August we will be introducing a larger transformer/power supply, capable of providing power for up to 14 PowerlouvreTM System motors simultaneously. This is in addition to the existing 6 motor transformer, granting our valued customers the choice to better suit their project.
For large projects where more than 14 motors are used in a single run, it is still necessary for a larger transformer to be sourced from a third party electrical supplier to suit the requirements of the project.
Pricing for the new PowerlouvreTM System Transformer is $113.96 RRP. For an updated Price List please contact Breezway.

Packaging Improvements
Starting in September, customers will notice a change to the way manual Altair® Louvre Component Galleries are packed for delivery. Manual galleries will now be clipped together with plastic couplers, or channel packing clips, to ensure they stay firmly positioned during transit without any risk of paint rub. PowerlouvreTM System Galleries will continue to be boxed.
Made from recycled plastic, these channel packing clips will hold both ends of each gallery set. These can be easily slid off the gallery for removal and can be reattached if needed by snapping them onto back of the channels again.

For more information on our Altair Louvre product updates, please contact our Design Assist Team on 0800 777 759 to discuss your needs. Alternatively please email designassist@breezway.co.nz or use our Online Chat via our website.